ETH Zurich Foundation, Editorial


Dear donors,
dear friends of ETH,

In December 2023, ETH Zurich and the Dieter Schwarz Foundation decided to establish a partnership over the next 30 years. Their objective is to help shape the digital transformation and the ongoing development of digital technologies in a responsible way. The generous donation from the foundation will allow around 20 new professorships to be created. In addition, a new teaching and research centre with a global reach will be established in Heilbronn. The centre will focus on areas such as artificial intelligence, bioinformatics and the circular economy.

This focus is linked to the hope of seizing opportunities to identify solutions to global challenges, such as the shortage of skilled employees, cyber security and safeguarding the essentials of life on our planet. This is already happening at our university today, for instance at the ETH AI Center, where researchers from across all departments are working on the fundamentals, applications and impacts of artificial intelligence. Another example is Design++, which lies at the interface between architecture, civil engineering and information technology and is aiming to make construction processes more resource-efficient with the help of digital technologies.

In addition to their focus on digital transformation, these initiatives have another feature in common: They are all funded by donors and partners of ETH Zurich. Your support is what enables ETH to fulfil its role to this extent and to this high standard of quality. We would like to extend our warmest thanks to you!

On the following pages you can find out more about the other areas that have benefited from your commitment, which range from support for the next generation of researchers to peace mediation and medical advances.

ETH Zurich Foundation, Editorial

Professor Pius Baschera
Chair of the Board of Trustees

ETH Zurich Foundation, Editorial

Professor Joël Mesot
President of ETH Zurich, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees

ETH Zurich Foundation, Editorial

Dr Donald Tillman
Managing Director

Highlights 2023

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